
Medical Office Needs

Medical Office clients are calling us left and right looking for skilled medical office personnel. Here is a list of all the different types of medical office applicants we are needing currently:

    • Accounts Payable w/Quickbooks
    • Front Desk Reception w/Coding
    • HR Assistant w/File Auditing
    • Billing Clerk w/UB-04 Claim work
    • Office Assistants w/experience in the following (these are 3 different jobs):
  1. Front Desk
  2. Transcribing
  3. Payroll/Accounts Payable

Never registered? Give Jenny a call at 869-3494 to schedule a time to come in and complete our registration and testing process!

Registered but your file is inactive? Call Jenny to see what you need to do to reactivate your file.

Currently registered? GREAT! Keep calling in available weekly to make sure your file stays open and active!

For more about the Clerical Division, visit: Clerical Division but don't count on finding up to date job openings. They come in and out so fast we can't keep them current on our website! (We think that's a good problem to have!) The best advice we have for you, get in here....fast!

© 2019 Jean Simpson Personnel Services
A Shreveport, Bossier City, & Longview Employment Agency