Jesus told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Luke 10:2
There comes a point when our devotion turns to action - and that action doesn't have to be glamorous, because Jesus is looking for co-laborers, not co-stars.
Jesus told the disciples that the workers were few in the harvest of souls. And they still are today. Let's determine to be a generation of co-laborers who are not afraid to get dirty, to work hard in unrecognized positions, to touch the untouchables, to work for the freedom of the oppressed, and to get involved in the lives of those who are lost and hurting. We all like to tell a good story - but living one requires hard, fearless work and a slog through the mud of this hurting world, with the power of Christ behind us. So let's put in our sweat equity for Jesus.
God hasn't called any of us to be heroes. The only Hero the world needs came thousands of years ago, and His name is Jesus Christ. Instead, God has called us to be workers. He's created us to do good works - not to live a life of comfort and ease (Ephesians 2:10). So let's ask Him where our field is, and let's get to work.
Lord Jesus, show me where You want me to co-labor with You. I commit to do the "dirty work," in your power and strength. Amen
Happy Thanksgiving! We are blessed to have you in our lives!