Feel like it's taking too long to find a job?

Feel like it's taking too long to find a job? With the unemployment rate low, we felt these articles may help! Don't get us wrong! We've currently got over 170 openings in NW LA and E TX but experience and skills are required. These are great articles containing tips that may help that search come to an end!

Making long job searches bearable

Job searches may drag on for weeks or months. The key is knowing how to cope with those long quests, writes Art Markman, a cognitive scientist. In addition to evaluating job search techniques by appraising one's application materials and interview skills, he recommends people stay active in ways that can increase their chances of being hired. A job seeker may want to work for a temp agency, for example. Markman also says it’s important psychologically for job seekers to stay connected to other people during their search. https://www.linkedin.com/feed/news/making-long-job-searches-bearable-4689244/

How to cope with a long job search:

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A Shreveport, Bossier City, & Longview Employment Agency